Thursday, November 24, 2005

New Norms?

Recently I was startled and felt intimidated as I approached the cash desk in a large shop. The person in front of me was dressed from head to toe in black long flowing robes.

What intimidated me was that the face was completely covered in the same black material with just a narrow quarter inch slit for the eyes. I don't know whether it was a man or woman though the assumption was that it was a woman of middle east origin. If I wanted a good disguise for a robbery this was it! The face hidden from prying cameras and who would expect what they thought was a demure woman to have any evil intent?

The norm in our society is that we allow our faces to be seen. Those who live here should apply the norms of our society. If I go to a country with a different norm from us e.g. removing shoes before entering a house, I am expected to observe that norm. The situation recently became a serious issue in a Belgian town.
The phones at city hall began ringing nonstop one morning last year when several masked figures were spotted walking through the cobbled streets of this pastoral town. A small panic erupted when one of the figures, covered head to ankle in black fabric, appeared at a school and scared children to tears.

It turned out the people were not hooded criminals, but six female residents of Maaseik who were displaying their Muslim piety by wearing burqas , garments that veiled their faces, including their eyes. After calm was restored, a displeased Mayor Jan Creemers summoned the women to his office.
"I said, 'Ladies, you can be dressed all in Armani black for all I care, but please do not cover your faces,' " Creemers recalled. "I tried to talk to them about it, but it was impossible. They said, 'We are the only true believers of the Koran.'
Washington Post"

This has also been raised in the context of wearing hoodies and Michael Noonan has raised a serious issue.

With the rapid changes taking place in our society this needs to be seriously examined. Should society change to accommodate the new arrivals or should they fit in with existing norms?


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