Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Moneylenders

An alarming story of more dark secrets from the Banking Industry.
I discovered that my signature had been forged on over £28,000 worth of cheques in the 3 month period. The forgeries were not very good. I called into the bank and spoke to the manager and asked him what was he going to do. He told me I would have to take it up with the banks legal department and he refused to give me any more of the back cheques that had been cashed… I took on a firm of solicitors and instructed them. 4 weeks later they withdrew as they had been threatened by the bank.
The same happened with the next firm of solicitors. I eventually located a firm of solicitors who would handle the case… Every handwriting expert I contacted in Ireland refused to work with us. They said it was not worth it as they would never get any more work from the banks, their main source of income…
After a long period of time the bank agreed to settle the case and mentioned various sums, never in writing always on the phone. I agreed to settle the case.
I met the main legal person from the bank in my accountants office. He told me that by agreeing to the settlement that my sister who was an employee of the bank and my first cousin who also worked there would never be promoted. In other words the threat was if we pay they will never be promoted.

IFRSA are looking into this and if it's true these moneylenders must be punished. The only thing they understand is a heavy financial penalty - heavy in terms of the vast wealth they are extracting from ordinary people. A few greedy people are bringing this important industry into disrepute.



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