Sunday, October 09, 2005

Easy money

Easy money, but is it fair?
SO HOW much did you make on the side this year. I reckon by the end of the year I'll have made close to 100 grand over and above my wages. So did all my neighbours, several of them lady OAPs.

It sounds like one of those schemes: "€2,000 a week from your home." Except this scheme isn't too good to be true and there are no strings attached. And you don't have to do anything. Just sit in your house.

If your house is any kind of bog standard yoke anywhere in and around Dublin City it's probably worth a half million. And this year, property in and around Dublin City, is set to increase in value by about a fifth.

This raises some very fundamental questions. We need to face this issue.

That more is earned through assets and speculation rather than working is wrong. That they also make no contribution to the common good is a disgrace. The situation needs serious thought and action to introduce fairness. Big money is very powerful and will strongly resist the required change.

The Sunday Independent


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